GUEST SPEAKER: Fred Millar, SARA Title III Protects Our Right-to-Know, or Does It?

DATE: Sunday, April 23, 2023

TIME: 7:00pm Central


On Sunday, April 23rd at 7:00pm, Fred Millar will talk about the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) and its Title III: The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), which ensures the public’s right to obtain information concerning toxic releases from local high-risk facilities - or does it?

Fred Millar is a specialist and policy consultant in the areas of homeland security, hazardous materials transportation, and chemical accident prevention. He’s worked on and researched chemical safety regulation and prevention of chemical hazards, and he’s advised members of the United States Senate and Senate staff regarding proposed chemical accident prevention laws.

Additionally, Gerri Songer from La Coalition will speak about rail transport safety and its issues with our local neighborhoods.

This event is hosted in collaboration with NWSOFA - Indivisible.

La Coalition Rail Safety Campaign

La Coalition’s Rail Safety Campaign works to protect people, air, water, and land from the negative impacts of hazardous substances transported by rail. The Rail Safety Campaign conforms to the guidelines set by the Clean Power Lake County community agreement and includes underserved communities as identified under Environmental Justice policy to reduce persistent environmental health disparities.

In order to plan for the unique needs that will arise in the event of a hazmat incident, La Coalition engages legislators, emergency responders, and administrators at schools and other public facilities located near rail corridors where toxic and explosive substances are transported or stored.

Lac-Mégantic: Events to Remember, Support, and Tell Each Other


Emergency Response Will Never Be Adequate for a Serious Release